Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The First Step...

Here I am. After repeated demands from my friends to write in English (not because Im a good writer in English, but because they cannot read my Tamil blog...:P), Im taking the first step in that direction.

Ever since the idea of writing sprung up in me, I was always reluctant to write in this language, the reason being my excellent command in the language (lol...jus kidding... :P). So I chose my mother tongue Tamil as the medium of my writing. But now, almost 6 months after posting my first Tamil blog, I understand that to reach out to the wider spectra of audience, English is the right language.

Thanks to my friends and this thought, Ive decided to put up my random thoughts in this blog. I request your support and encouragement (like u gave before I started writing in English...Pls dont ask me to stop writing in English after u read my posts...:P), send in your comments and correct my mistakes and help me improve my language.

Thanks All,



  1. Vaango vaango vaanga sir.. finally u came inside the enlgish blogging world... i m not the expert in tat but i can say i m also a member...

    Expecting more frm ur side.... al the very best

  2. Finally;And about time too…
    Now waiting to read all the translations from your Tamil blog.. And newer ones..
    All the best buddy… enjoy your stay at blogos(phere)

  3. good romance.....a sweet one...hope u wer not that Anand...if so i am sad for u dear:).

  4. nice work :) looking forward to more!
